


The purpose of the 2024 School Bond Committee is to ensure that the Les Cheneaux Community Schools (LCCS) has the physical infrastructure required to provide a safe, secure, and modern environment to support the academic, athletic, and artistic needs of the current and future students.


  • The school is one of the most significant assets in Clark Township and impacts more adults and children than any other asset in the community.

  • It is the responsibility of the local community to prioritize the current and future needs of the children and parents of this community and work to maximize the opportunities for everyone.

  • The school community has an obligation to be excellent stewards of the investments that the community makes in the school.

  • That a vibrant and up-to-date school environment has a positive impact on teacher’s attitudes, student learning outcomes, and student and community pride. 


The 2024 School Bond Issues fall into three main categories:

  1. Fixing things that are broken or have fallen into disrepair due to their age

  2. Updating and maintaining existing assets so they are fit for use for the next 10 to 25 years

  3. Investing in new infrastructure to provide additional learning opportunities and maintain competitiveness with other schools in the region.


The School Bond Committee has identified projects that would cost seven to eight million dollars to complete. This would be paid back over a 25-year term. If we decide to proceed with all of the projects, the new proposal would require roughly a .8 mill increase in property taxes from the current level of 1.

We need the community’s engagement to determine the final scope of this initiative. There will be a series of informational meetings and surveys issued to gain input on this decision from you. The final scope will be voted on by the School Board in the second half of July. So, the real ask here is for you to get involved, review the project list, and share your thoughts at these meetings and on the surveys so we can get a sense of the community’s collective thinking about these projects.

The pie chart below shows how this money is intended to be spent using the previously introduced categories of New, Fix, and Replace/Modernize:

